Who we are
Offshore Contracting Lawyers (“OCL”) is a network of independent law firms specialised in the international energy and maritime industries. The members of OCL share information on the law of their jurisdictions and work together on cross boarder cases.
The member law firms of OCL are completely autonomous and perform their professional services independently. They are not affiliated for the joint practice of law.
The law firms that are members of OCL provide the following services:
- Drafting all types of contracts in the offshore oil and gas and maritime industries.
- Assistance with the drafting of contractual qualifications and contract negotiations in tender procedures.
- Contract management and the advising on contract disputes.
- Handling of arbitration and litigation cases
- Asset searching and tracing and bringing actions to seize assets and enforce arbitration awards/court judgments worldwide
The members of OCL have a vast amount of experience in reviewing and advising on the following types of agreements:
- The complete suite of BIMCO contracts, including Supplytime, ASV Time, Bargehire, Towcon, Towhire amongst others
- Directional drilling contracts and well workover contracts in the oil and gas and geothermal energy industries
- EPCI, T&I and EPC contracts, including the LOGIC and FIDIC suites of contracts
- Shipbuilding and vessel sale and purchase contracts
- Design and build fabrication contracts
- The inhouse charterparties, rental agreements, construction contracts, EPCI, T&I and EPC contracts of the major international contractors and International Oil Companies.
- NDA’s
- Parent Company Guarantees
- Performance Bonds
- Pre-bid agreements
- Joint Venture agreements
- etc
OCL members all have a vast amount of experience handling arbitration and litigation matters concerning the above-mentioned contracts. The members regularly represent energy and offshore clients in arbitration under all the main arbitral rules including LMAA, ICC, LCIA, SIAC, SCC, SCMA, UNCITRAL, UNUM taking place in London, Rotterdam, Paris, New York and other cities in the USA or Singapore.

A Practical Note on Drafting Exclusion Clauses
Discussion of the legal and insurance aspects of delay, liquidated damages and consequential loss.
Supplytime 2017
Supplytime 2005 and Supplytime 2017. An overview of main changes & comments about law and arbitration.